What We Do
Enduring Treasure for Christian Leaders – We have a passion to come alongside and provide fuel for ministry leaders based on the eternal principles of God’s Word. We offer on-site ministry consultation, dynamic training courses, interactive online communities and individualized coaching. We seek to encourage, strengthen, and equip ministry leaders to continue to follow God’s calling as they take the Word of God to the people that He has placed in their lives. Read More

Enduring Treasure Life Coaching – God created each individual with a unique purpose but life often crowds out that truth and can blur the vision that God has given. Enduring Treasure’s Life Coaches are here with a listening ear to celebrate individual uniqueness, provide reassuring support, and offer loving counsel from a biblical and practical perspective. Read More

Enduring Treasure Global Adventures – The Global Adventures program gives opportunities for God’s people to become directly involved in cross-cultural experiences working together and supporting those already serving in various parts of the world. Through meaningful short term ventures, participants share in the work of the ministry but are also able to experience lasting personal growth and maintain long-term involvement with the field. Read More

Enduring Treasure Global Outreach – Right now, God’s servants are busy doing ministry on every continent of the world. Some of these have vast resources and experience abundant harvest. Others meet indifference to their message, face overwhelming obstacles and are ministering under extreme conditions. Enduring Treasure is passionate about the people in need of God’s truth all around the world and especially in East/Central Africa where needs are so acute. We’re committed to supporting our international partners in ways which will have lasting impact. Read More