What's Important To Us

Eternal Focus – We believe in focusing on what lasts for eternity – God’s Word and people. We believe that a life dedicated to bringing the eternal principles of God’s Word to the people He dearly loves is a life well-spent.
Loving Leadership – We believe that love is God’s central message and, therefore, must be the motivation for all of life and ministry. Ministry that is motivated by love will include speaking the truth in love, acting in love and leading from love.

Practical Biblical Strategies – We believe that the Bible is practical and that living according to it works. Everyone is looking for practical strategies to meet life and ministry challenges and these can readily be found in God’s Word.
Transparency – We believe that a commitment to transparency glorifies God and results in ministry credibility. Therefore, we will remain steadfast in our pledge to transparency in all of our relationships. This includes our guarantee to remain above reproach in all of our financial dealings.

Global Perspective – We believe that God’s Word was given to the whole world and we desire to help our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world with practical tools for life and ministry.